Competition in connections

If you have the appropriate NERS accreditation and have been engaged by a client to deliver their new connections, we can provide you with the necessary non-contestable services.

If you would like to find out more about gaining the necessary accreditation to compete for new connections work, please visit Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA).

Competition in connections

Application types

  • Independent Connection Provider (ICP) Application

    Make an application for an extended electricity network you wish to connect to our network and us to adopt.
  • Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) Application

    Make an application for an embedded electricity network you wish to connect to our network.
  • Notification of POC Self-identification

    Notify us that you are determining the point of connection. (Before starting your application, please refer to our POC Self Identification and Self Design Approval Guidance.)
  • Safety rules and authorisations

    Read more about each of the 3 processes ICPs can work under.

G81 Library

You can find and download all of our G81 documents and view them in our secure portal. (To view these documents, you must sign in with your existing account details, or you can create a new account here.)
people looking at paperwork at desk

Download application

You can also download, complete and email your applications to us at 

Download the application for a Point of Connection to serve new network to be adopted by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks.

Download the application for a Point of Connection to serve an embedded network.

Please be aware that if you are emailing us, we have an incoming attachment size limit of 22 MB. If the attachment you need to send us is larger than 22 MB please email and request document transfer options.

Information we require

  • Letter of Authority (this is a letter to provide permission from the land/property owner to complete the work) – Note: this does not apply for IDNO sites
  • Plan showing the site boundary
  • Site layout plan with the point of supply marked
  • A plan showing the site location and layout, showing the properties that need to be connected and meter positions (where applicable) – Note: this does not apply for IDNO sites
  • Description of works required and how much electricity your customer is expecting to use (where applicable)
  • How will your customer be heating their property? – Note: where applicable
  • Appropriate ENA Forms (we can provide guidance on which forms are required depending on your request) – Note: where applicable
  • The type of generation you wish to connect – Note: where applicable
  • Your contact details
  • Address and postcode of your site
  • Parties for correspondence

Information we'll need to check

  • Any additional or abnormal electricity loads (heat pumps, swimming pools etc.) – Note: where applicable
  • Details of any microgeneration your customer is looking to install if applicable (solar panels for example) – Note: where applicable

G39 Authorisation – SSEN Statement

This statement describes our application of ENA Engineering Recommendation (EREC) G39 'Model code of practice covering electrical safety in the planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance of public lighting and other street furniture'.

Download and read our G39 Authorisation statement.

Part-Funded Reinforcement (PFR) Trial

For background information on the PFR trial which took place between 30th March 2018 and 30th March 2021, please, click here.

We hosted a workshop to review the completed Part-Funded Reinforcement (PFR) trial and map out potential improvements on 24th November 2021.

You can download the PFR Trial Workshop presentation slides here and the PFR Trial Review Webinar minutes here for details on review findings and next steps.

Novation / Assignation 

Throughout the development and build of your project, you may require the rights and obligations of your connection offer to be transferred to a third party. In order to achieve this, a legal document is required to capture the details and permissions of all parties involved. This document is known as a Novation (SEPD - England & Wales) or Assignation (SHEPD - Scotland) and must be completed by all parties. We have created a guide and template documents to Novation’s & Assignations that can be found below. Please note, the documents are not complete until we agree and sign each of the three copies. 

SEPD guide to Novation 

SHEPD guide to Assignation 


Refunds are usually issued in two scenarios:

  • When a project is cancelled by a customer post acceptance of the Connection Offer
  • When a new connection has been completed and the project is underspent, a partial refund may be due to the customer.

Click here to view our refund policy


We also have a YouTube channel where we post useful videos on processes as well as our recorded webinars.

Alternative providers register

If you are happy to appear on our website, once you have registered, our customers will then be able to more easily search for those that could offer them an alternative quotation in delivering their project.

Useful links