Power Track
Planned Outages
Every year we invest millions of pounds into upgrading our electricity network. We will notify you before the planned outage is going to happen, for more information and tips click here. -
Priority Services
Let's prepare together. Sign up to our Priority Services Register for extra support during power cuts here. -
During a power cut
If you experience a power outage, it may be because of a fault on our network or a problem in your home. Find out what to do during a power cut here. -
Preparing for a power cut
If bad weather is on the way or we have to carry out a planned outage, follow our helpful tips to prepare and stay safe.
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How to selfServe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non sapien id lacus viverra feugiat. Morbi nunc nulla, semper ut mauris et, porttitor rutrum mi. In a consequat sapien.
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